Mon 06 Jan
like to meet someone new. call me ? Check Out my Specials and NEW # 889-0701 - 35
(3300 and State (close 2))
::My HANDS will WORK SEXY MAGiC on YOU::✥《::my LiPS & HiPS will DRiVE you WiLD::》✥《:: OPeNMiNDeD ::》 - 23
(Outcalls with you baby, Salt Lake City)
(San Jose / South Bay, sunnyvale/ Incalls)
❤ •———• ❤ ❤ Natural Beauty ☆❤☆ UnRushed Time ❤ True Sweetheart ❤ ❤☆❤ •———• ❤ - 23
(Salt Lake City, SaLt LaKe CiTy)
######### Hot Asian Sweetie! ######## _____ Katy _____ Outcall Only Tel : 408-416-3877 ######### - 22
(City of San Jose, Outcall Only, San Jose / South Bay)
.... Marissa .......... Marissa ....... Marissa .......... Marissa ..... Marissa ....... Marissa ... - 23
(Outcall available)
❤♡❤ NEW ❤ 100% ❤ REAL PiCS! ❤$ E✖¥ 💋ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ ➜YOUR #1 CHOICE ❤♡❤ Available Now! ❤♡❤ Sweet & Sexy ❤♡ - 24
(OC, Salt Lake City)
~~~Happy Thanksgiving ~~~ I'm Giving 100 Specials~~~Only Today - 30
(San Jose / South Bay, sanjose/sunnyvale/saratoga/los gatos)
🌟💖 LaTe NiGhT SpeCiAL💖🌟eLiTe PeTiTe PueRtO RicAn MaMi At YoUr SErVicE💋💋💋 - 23
(Salt Lake City, InCaLL/OuTCaLL Up ALL NiGhT 💜💜)
Great attitude! Great reviews and a Great special!
(Monterey, San Francisco, San Jose / South Bay, San Mateo, hotel room)
📞 Day or Night 📞 You'll 💞Love💞 Me 💦 💦 💦 Strictly Independent 💦 💦 📞 Call Me 📞💛 - 19
(Salt Lake City, Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Arrive WithIn Minutes Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵3)
🌹💋Every Professional Gentleman's Fantasy🌹💋 ___ SORORITY SISTERS ___ We Come Play👅💦 - 21
(Salt Lake City, Your Place Only)
*———— —————▐ ►* Exotic Indian Beauty *———— —————▐ ►* - 22
(San Jose / South Bay, S a n t a C l a r a - S u n n y v a l e)
🌷DREAM GIRL🌷 Sexy Independent Brunette BABE 🌷 Visiting milpitas 😘 - 22
(San Jose / South Bay, milpitas Incalls & Outcalls Everywhere)
💎 ((( CLICK HERE ))) 💎 ((( CLICK HERE ))) 💎 ((( CLICK HERE ))) 💎 801-259-0211 - 24
(Salt Lake City, your place)
:*¨¨*: C'me B4 WORK today:*¨¨*: 801-6 :*¨¨*:WORK with a SECRET SMILE today - 35
(Salt Lake City, I-80 and State)
$$$$$$ DON'T MISS OUT!!!! SPEciALS!!!!! EARLY MORNING FUN!!!!!! HOT GIRL!!! BEST PricE$$$$$$ - 69
(Salt Lake City, YoUr pLacE)
✿🎀✿ CLaSsY ✿🎀✿ SEXY ✿🎀✿ BeAuTiFuL ✿🎀✿ CoLleGe Cutie ✿🎀✿ - 22
(Salt Lake City, outcall anywhere in salt lake)
♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ♡ —♥█ ★CLiCK ME _ CALL ME _ ENJ0Y ME★█ ♥— ♡ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ Hot and Ready !!Outcall!! - 30
(Salt Lake City, 385-259-9240)
📞 Call us 📞 Day or Night 📞 You'll 💞Love💞 Us 💦 💦 💦 Strictly Independant💦 💦 📞 Call us 📞💛 - 19
(Salt Lake City, 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 Added PiCs🍒🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒)
Dip In You Are Sure To Be Warm!! - 23
(City of San Jose, San Jose / South Bay, SAN JOSE OUTCALLS!!!)
★❥★ ▒✘ S£XY ✘▒█ █▒✘ Busty ✘▒█ & █▒✘ ASIAN ✘ █▒❤ONLY 21❤▒█ ★ ❥★ B E A U T Y★❥★ ▒█✘special✘ ▒█ &█▒ ✘ - 21
(Sacramento, Sacramento, Sunrise, Fair Oaks, Folsom)
{{* PETiTE } *{ HoTTie }*l{ *CuRvY* }l* PeRFecT N EVeRy WAy }} {The Perfect Playmate } - 23
(Sacramento, CAL EXPO Incall SPECIALS!)
outcall & incall specials all Day Long Sexy Puerto Rican Mix! in town too stay 100% Me real pics - 21
(City of Sacramento, Davis, Elk Grove, Folsom / Citrus Heights, Rancho Cordova, Roseville, Sacramento, Sacramento woodland Roseville Davis)
💋🌟IM Up AM OUTCALLS SPECIAL🌟 💘🌟💋 BLONDE BOMBSHELL💋🌟💘 Available for outcall 📞☎️ call me - 21
(elk grove, Sacramento)
🐰💋Chloe Snow🐰EXOTIC 💎💎 CURVY 💦💦 Bombshell 👑👑 Specials Today💋 - 21
(Rancho Cordova, Rancho Cordova - Outcall/Incall, Sacramento)
👅☝ Bustier Than Her 💃 🔛 Bustier Than Her too 👇💦 🍑💋 RARE TREAT 💦💦 Treat Yourself - 22
(Fair Oaks // Sunrise Blvd **InCall**, Sacramento)
•32DDD• SUMMERTIME FINE Puerto Rican |BODY GODDESS| stacii dash!! last day - 19
(Sacramento, Natomas&surrounding; areas/outcalls)
100%_ R€aL _ THIck …💦💦N!C€ _ RØʉND _B_Ø_ʉ_N_C_€_Y_ ●❣● _B_Ø_Ø_T_Y_EXotIc *MiXeD TreaT ---- - 25
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento, Sacramento upscale Outcalls Only)
🆕 ШѦRNⓘNG IM ADDICTIVE❗❗ (1OO$pecials) 🅰N🅰L 🆗 ------> ♡Stacked In The Right Places 🍑🍎🍒 - 24
(City of Sacramento, Natomas Incall Only, Sacramento)
🇸 🇱 🇮 🇲 🍫🍫🇬 🇴 🇴 🇩 🇮 🇪💦💦 🅘🅝 🅒🅐🅛🅛🅢 🅐🅝🅓 🅞🅤🅣🅒🅐🅛🅛🅢 💕💕💕 - 20
(City of Sacramento, I⃠n⃠c⃠a⃠l⃠l⃠s⃠ o⃠u⃠t⃠c⃠a⃠l⃠l⃠s⃠, Sacramento)
:: ★::: █ P U T * M E * O N * Y O U R * T O * DO * L I S T - █ :: ★ : - 24
(City of San Diego, Private Mission Valley Incall)
♥ -:¦:-• Great Staff - Excellent Service!! @ Sumiko Spa! Best Massage in town! █▀ - 27
(City of San Diego, 2629 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego CA 92104)
♥—————♥—————»((bubbl y ))«—————♥—————(( GORGEOUS & SWEET ))♥—————♥—————» (( p̶l̶a̶y̶m̶a̶t̶e̶ ))♥ - 23
(Provo, Salt Lake City)
!Mona's Ranch is looking for a blonde! ONLY BLONDE IN ELKO!! - 21
(Elko Nevada, Logan, Ogden, Provo, Salt Lake City, St. George)
Satisfying and Unrushed Time With a Sexy Woman
(Logan, Ogden, Provo, Salt Lake City, St. George, In your arms ;))
Soft Curves, Sweet Lips and always on time!! Call for a REAL good time!! - 26
(Ogden, Provo, Salt Lake City, YOUR PLACE ONLY)
💙_💙 {[FIRST CLASS]} 💙_💙 {[UPSCALE]} 💙_💙 {{{ VIP }}} 💙_💙 BLONDE MATURE! 💙_💙 - 40
(Ogden, Provo, Salt Lake City)
---------100% Young ------ ★ Pretty ------ Asian/Mix NEW GIRL ------ Anywhere out to you ------- - 20
(Logan, Ogden, Provo, Salt Lake City)
🐇 NAUGHTY New Girls Ready to Rock UR World.. ________ 🐇 Sexy Snow bunnies 🐇 ________ 🐇 Only $250 - 23
(Provo, provo orem springville)
WATCH !!!! ........VIDEO clip of my SEXY body.......... Real GIRL IN VIDEO...... NICE BUTT......PRETTY - 21
(Provo, ANYWHERE YOU ARE- provo,slc, ogden)
°o ♥ o°1oO%——— HOTTIE———— ((( ✰ SO HOT & EXOTIC✰ ))) — ———— 1oO% °o ♥ o -OpenMinded- °o ♥ o FuN ° - 22
(Ogden, Provo, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City - Ogden- Provo)
🌟🌟🌟 Let's make our own firework show!!! 🌟🌟🌟
(everywhere, Logan, Ogden, Provo, Salt Lake City, St. George)
Stop throwing your money away.... - w4m
(Logan, Ogden, Provo, Salt Lake City, St. George, everywhere)
🎯❤❤❤♥╠╣E╚╚O♥❤❤❤🎯 New ✤ Young # 1 C H O I CE —:¦:S T O P HERE~💗~ SUPER CUTiE - 21
(Provo, all over Utah valley)
*Reviewed* New Exotic Asian/Hawaiian in Town💦😘💋 Erotic tattoos&peircings; 😻🍰🍦🎀😍CALL Now. - 21
(Orem Incall, Provo)
Smoking Hot, Seductive, Sexy and Sweet -- Feel the Heat with Me! - 19
(In town, Logan, Ogden, Provo, Salt Lake City, St. George)