Mon 27 Jan
~~KINKY Ebony & British Vixens Ready For You $150 Spec~~ **NEW IN TOWN** - 21
(Houston, Southwest Houston-OUTCALLFRIENDLY)
✨ New Latina ✨ Puerto Rican 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Outcals only - 19
(Bronx, OUTCALLS ONLY bronx manhattan westcheste)
***** L A S T___ D A Y.......IN Town *** Sexy Busty**** S I C I LI AN *** C A LI**P R I N C E SS____ - 22
(The Galleria area)
Kinky * Nasty * Caramel * Be auty ((($60FREA KY* FRIDAYS$60) ))Kinky * Nas ty * Caramel * Beauty - 26
(Houston, +45/North@Beltway=8+Incalls&Outcalls;)
S Q U I R T-N -- L A T I N A !!!! M U A Y -- F R E A K Y !!!!!!! outcalls - 19
(Westchester, westchester/bronx)
♥LAST DAY ✌♥———♥ LATiNA ♥———♥B E A U T I F U L♥—-—♥ 100% Me or Free ♥———♥NEW!!♥ Available NoW!! - 20
(Memphis, East Memphis /Poplar)
Read Add First!! Troubles😇 Playhouse😈 50👅ss💪Baby💯🍆Tag 🍆T3am😻 Bx Incalls😻😘😘 - 20
(Bronx, Bronx ,INCALLONLY!!213 st & white plains, Westchester)
Hey❤ITS ME THE GODDESS OF PLEASURE ❤ Sweet Passionate And Just Down Right Sexy - 22
(Columbus, *INDEPENDENT* Pic ME Or FREE! 2163427271)
NEW GIRL SPARKLES___ 2 Girl Specials Available All Night ~ Dont MIss Out 194st Kingsbridge - 21
($40 KIngsbridge rd Valentine Ave 194st)
BRAND NEW SPOT *1 TrY U SatisFy 10Am-3Am Body2body A Touch 2 Remember - 21
(Orange, OC/STANTON/LGBEACH 714 982-7817 91&22fwy)
___ »» Just LooK_____===> S i m p l y _ B e a u t i f u l ======= _____ f Un _____ p=e=T=i=t=e=! - 24
(incalls ..Outcalls all around ..)
JUST TURNED 18, I LOVE white boys. north side 100 special - 18
(Houston, 1960 45 north west intercontental)
HIGHLY REVIEWED 🐰Elite Exxotic Busty Bunny Ready To Play🐰 - 25
(Columbus, Columbus / Dublin incalls / outcalls)
Rare chocolate diamond🍫🍒smooth dark chocolate skin👅💝👍 petite slim kitty lovers choice. A1!! - 23
(Astoria, Bronx, Bronx westchester Manhattan queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Upper Manhattan)
Hi I am Malissia and I can be the woman of your dreams Come get me I am waiting - 27
(Cleveland and surround Area)
Katrina # 832-535-6933 ♡ Freaky Blonde , & Lonely ♡ N-call$ & Outcalls? - 21
(Houston, $ugarland, $tafford, 59 $outh)
Just What Your Lookin For!!!!! $70 Special Galleria Incalls Only - 20
(Houston, Westhimer/Galleria/beltway8/ INCALLONLY)
~~ JU!CY ~~ ~~ J3ss!C@ ~~ ~~ J@RV!s ~~ ~~ NoW ~ On ~ Th3 ~ NoRTh ~ W3sT ~~ N3W P!CTuR3s ~~ - 25
💋💋 Put UR HaNds n tha COOKiE jar...Sexy Snow Bunny 💋💋:) New in Town ... Specials All Night!!! - - 21
(Bronx, the holiday connor st. bx)
(New) (*(* CAUTION NEW*)*) ~ ★ ~ Up All NiGHT ~ B*oo*ty! ~ ★New $60 $60 Specials - 20
(Bronx, Bronx - Incalls Only)
🚫WARNING🚫⚠️HIGHLY Addictive Ebony&Indian; BaBe 🌺 Stacked💁🏽Gorgeous 💋💦Very Skilled ✔️ - 21
(East Bay, Richmond)
🍀 lil ryder ready ride my night away 🍀45 specials yes im a red head only 18🔥 - 18
(Memphis, Whitehaven)
Kall the S W E E T E S T Kandi! 💋❤💋❤💋 Im sweet but YOU are SWEETER! ❤❤❤ Let me T A S T E 7137752491❤ - 22
(Houston, Galleria/ westchase/ in/out EVERYWHERE)
Nastier than yours @ home!! * Every Mans F.A.N.T.A.S.Y! && A married Mans Best-kept Secret!! - 21
(Bronx, Bronx Yonkers New Roch. Westchester 24/7)
Lets make magic ♥♥♥♥Sweet an Petite!! new pics - 27
(Memphis, incall perkins !! outcall all of Memphis)
! ♡ ❦☆❦ Just wants to have fun ! ❦☆❦ !( ( ♥ ♥ AVAiLABLE ♥ ♥ )) :: ♡ ❦☆❦ & Ready 2 PLAY! - 26
(Pasadena, I10east, Federal, Baytown, Pasadena, Lap)
Tia👅👅FREAK💋💦W E T & Slippery💦Nice & Nasty✔This Way Baby👉Seductive💝Fat Booty🍑Here 2 Please� - 19
(East Bay, Oakland California)
Jus Turned 18!!...(Black / Indian) Stallion...Come and see about me..!!! - 18
(Houston, Hillcroft and Westhiemer)
*•° ♥•°•:Jʉ!CY 💋'z • §€Xy H¡P§ • AmaZing A§§:•.♥•* TH!CK TH!GHS •★• - 20
(Houston, 59 Stafford incalls)
Juicy & sweet Available Now ....... Specials 40$\50$\60$ - 22
(Memphis, Sycamore View 👉👉 incalls only👈👈)